Be Ready for Monday

Featured Insights for


Intelligent Business Prudence

I have been called an "eternal optimist" on more than one occasion, a compliment which I accept gratefully but one that...

Leading Through Change

Leading any team is challenging. During times of instability, it becomes much more difficult. In higher education, as...

Avoid a Professional Plateau: Delegate

You’ve finally made it. You’re a leader with influence. You’re in the inner circle. Your ideas have inspired change...

It Takes Strength in Numbers

The best way to enact your strategy is to get everyone else to support it. Do you think that's an obvious statement?...

Remember Home Ec Class? Some Lessons Apply to Higher Ed, Too

As we have conversations in higher education about budgeting, we try to remember to take a step back and recall how...

Choose Your Battles

Most people think this aphorism means you should drop some of your upcoming battles to win some for which you care...

Make Conference-Inspired Ideas a Reality

Conferences provide an opportunity to break from the weekly routine, allowing us to refresh our perspectives as peers...

Capitalizing on Summer

The summer months are very important to a campus. As a Community College, how these months are spent may impact fall...

When the Rubber Meets the Road

When the time comes to run a marathon, will all of the training be enough to carry you across the finish line? Did all...

Authenticity in Leadership

As a team we may rely on the strengths of the group, but as an individual we must accept the boundaries of our...
Our Solutions

We Build Modern Solutions

We are here to improve Higher Education. Whether your role is in the Business Office, Continuing Education Department, or Student Success Services we have a solution for you. With FundFive's Solutions, you will find a new level unparalleled sustainability and efficiency at your institution.

Unleash Efficiency 

Contact us today find out how are solutions can help you.

Beyond the Classroom

Discover Long-Term Career Success

What could your students be missing in their development? Learn more with our groundbreaking blog series "Beyond the Classroom".