Be Ready for Monday

Blog Author
Wellington Souza

Wellington Souza

Can Infrastructure Be Financially Strategic?

As a CIO, I tried hard to find a path to getting rid of my data center. Today's data centers require one to maintain a...

Caution v. Action

Any business leader who chooses inaction citing "caution" as a reason is misusing that word and its meaning to conceal...

Numbers to Track

If you work for a private institution, there are three basic numbers that your institution will look for in the next...

Process Improvement

Colleges are hard to maneuver, and the internal processes that may seem obvious and logical to those involved with...

What's In It For the Student?

Campus leadership often asks, how do we encourage more students to complete a set of measurable tasks? With the rise of...

Capitalizing on Summer

The summer months are very important to a campus. As a Community College, how these months are spent may impact fall...

Structuring IT

When the position of Information Technology is misaligned with the expectations of its business ecosystem, the outcome...

The Ghost of Branding Past

The “Can you hear me now?” Verizon spokesperson has switched carriers. In a what seems to be brilliant campaign (and no...

Authenticity in Leadership

As a team we may rely on the strengths of the group, but as an individual we must accept the boundaries of our...

Momentum Matters

Your control of your own productivity is only partially determined by your current determination to “get something...
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Beyond the Classroom

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What could your students be missing in their development? Learn more with our groundbreaking blog series "Beyond the Classroom".