Be Ready for Monday

Blog Author
Wellington Souza

Wellington Souza

The Conventional Wisdom of Remaining the Same

I often read documents that preach how IT operations should push the business structure to minimize customizations. I...

Don't Go Out of Business

We have experienced being in businesses that depend on another business to exist. Many businesses currently flourishing...

Elective Compliance

I’ve had the privilege of working on both sides of the aisle in higher education over the course of my profession. Most...

External Input and Influence

We’ve witnessed great professionals get increasingly frustrated about "not being heard." The ethos of this problem can...

Forecasting Retention

In Higher Education, Retention and January go together like peanut butter and jelly. This month, many institutions will...

How Do You Define Improvement?

With every challenge that we face as professionals comes an opportunity for each of us to deliver improved, measurable...

A Requirement is Not an Achievement

Compliance is a requirement, not an achievement. Those who base the measure of their success on reporting how well they...

A Culture of Unity

Recently, FundFive listed ways to create basic spreadsheets to help lay out your institution's income structure in a...

A Call to Inspiration

Information Technology needs a call to inspiration. Many technologists we know in Higher Education have been confused...

Reshaping the New Year

Why do we feel as if we need to gear up to work when we leave for an extended holiday? The answer is simple. When you...
Our Solutions

We Build Modern Solutions

We are here to improve Higher Education. Whether your role is in the Business Office, Continuing Education Department, or Student Success Services we have a solution for you. With FundFive's Solutions, you will find a new level unparalleled sustainability and efficiency at your institution.

Unleash Efficiency 

Contact us today find out how are solutions can help you.

Beyond the Classroom

Discover Long-Term Career Success

What could your students be missing in their development? Learn more with our groundbreaking blog series "Beyond the Classroom".